Tuesday, December 1, 2020
At Webvio we often say we’re on a mission to destroy every WordPress website and replace it with a Webflow website. The reality of it is that WordPress is designed for blogging and still uses dinosaur code. Plugins make it slower and it’s “clunky” for lack of a better term. Let’s break down the features:
Now we’re not here to Sh*t on WordPress but it sucks and it’s not the best solution ;)
Webflow did a great cost analysis of Webflow to WordPress find that article here: https://webflow.com/blog/the-real-cost-of-wordpress
To address the other players in the visual designer space, Wixx, Weebly, Squarespace, etc. These are a great option if you want to quickly design a decent-looking website that will get the job done. Especially, if you’re on a tight budget and not ready to invest in web development yet. However, you will find templates are limiting, you can’t add complex functionality, and the editors can be slow. If you are on a small budget looking to establish a web presence, depending on your goals and business, I would recommend creating marketing funnels using https://www.clickfunnels.com/.
Webflow uses Amazon Web Services for its hosting. This means it also inherits all of AWS security features. This means your website could be hosted and taken care of by the same servers that host and protect the largest eCommerce store in the world, amazon.com. Since launching, the’ve had a 99.99% run time for their hosted websites.
There are also various built-in security features within Webflow such as: free SSL certificate, which helps with SEO, two-factor authentication, role-based permissions, and SSO capabilities.
I thought WordPress is the go-to for SEO?
Good SEO is always the goal because it’s free traffic from just existing on the web. Without going in-depth in the technicalities of it all, Webflow makes it extremely easy to have good SEO and Google kind of has a crush on Webflow websites.
Editing things like, meta tags, alt tags, open graphs, can all be done very easily within the Webflow editor.
Webflow has some great case studies on large brands moving their website and hosting to Webflow and increasing their SEO with the conversion.
The most heard of website platform is obviously WordPress. Our prediction in the next 5-10 years Webflow will be the new go-to and it will be incredibly mainstream and sought after. They’re here to stay since they just completed a series B funding of 140 million dollars.
Here are some large brands using Webflow:
To sum it up, yes, you can still accomplish your marketing and business goals with WordPress, or any of the template builders. But if you’re looking for a premium service and want your web experience to be seamless and less complex, we always recommend Webflow. There is a reason we’re exclusive to Webflow.